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How Much is Your Personal Injury Claim Worth?

This is often the first question that we are asked in the initial consultation with a potential client. The answer that we usually give is that it depends on your own particular situation, but we will know how to value your case when we learn more.

The rule that applies is that the person responsible for your injuries must fully compensate you for your damages. You must receive the following:

  • Economic damages for money that came out of your pocket or that you could not earn
  • Non-economic damages that pay you for what you experienced and may go through in the future

Your payment must only factor in what you have already lost, but it also must include what you will suffer in the future. For example, your earnings capacity may be permanently impacted by your injuries. You must be paid for what you lose now and all the way out through retirement.

Don’t Settle for Less than You Deserve

The major mistake that many people make is settling their claim before they really know what it is worth. That leaves money on the table for the insurance company to claim. Before you file your claim, you should know its potential value. When we begin to work on your case, make sure that we have the following:

  • Copies of your medical bills
  • Your exact diagnosis and prognosis
  • Your earnings information
  • A detailed description of what your life has been like since the accident

We will help put a dollar value on your damages and present it to the insurance company in your claim.

Contact Our St. Augustine Personal Injury Lawyers

If you believe that you have a personal injury case, don’t wait to contact our St. Augustine personal injury attorneys at Naples & Spence online or call us today at 904.944.9729 to discuss your case. We can help you get the legal process started right now.

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