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The Risks of Teen Drivers

Teen drivers present obvious risks to both themselves and other drivers on the road. Even though many individual teens are responsible and careful, the overall class of drivers has a much greater statistical chance of being in an accident. Here are three reasons why:


Accident avoidance often comes with experience. It takes time to get acclimated to driving a car in traffic. This is even more true in difficult situations like darkness or bad weather. Inexperience often leads to teen drivers making a critical misjudgment of a situation. It also keeps them from having the reflexes necessary to avoid danger. Drivers may not reach their optimum level of experience and skill until they have years behind the wheel.

Risky Behavior

Teens might not have the judgment that comes from maturity to stay safe. Their biggest risk is that they are using their mobile device to text or check social media behind the wheel. They could also speed or drive recklessly. Another risky behavior is that teen drivers often have friends in the car, and they could be listening to distracting music or engage in conversation that takes attention from the road.


The statistics about teenage drinking and driving are horrifying. One in 20 high school students admit to driving after drinking. The rate is even higher for teenage drivers who are college age. Teens are spending time with friends and going to parties where alcohol is served. One in every seven fatal crashes involving teenagers had a teen driver with a blood alcohol content over the legal limit.

St. Augustine Personal Injury Lawyers Here to Help

If you or a loved one have been injured in an accident with a teen driver, call the attorneys at Naples & Spence at (904) 478-8964 or contact us online. You may be entitled to significant financial compensation.

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