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Can a Company be Liable for Your Personal Injury?

When you have been injured in an accident, your attorney will always try to cast the widest net possible to look for potential defendants. Here, the goal is to maximize your financial compensation. One way to recover the most possible money is when you can sue a company for your injury.

When an employee is working for a company, they are considered to be an agent of their employee. There is no distinction between the acts of that employee and their employer itself. Whatever actions the employee takes while on the job are imputed to their company.

You Can Sue a Company if the Employee Was on the Job

The qualifier is that the employee must be working for their employer at the time of the accident that caused your injuries. If their actions are within the scope of their employment, their employer will be responsible for what they do because their duties are undertaken on behalf of the company. One example is when you are struck by a driver operating a company car. So long as they were not using it to run a personal errand, the company is liable if their employee was responsible for your injuries.

Suing a company could help increase your compensation. A business will usually have a higher coverage limit than an individual because the company has far more to lose. If they do not have enough insurance coverage, you can go after the company’s assets to pay for your damages. The flip side is that corporate lawyers may fight you every step of the way.

Call a Northeast Florida Personal Injury Attorney

When you have been injured in an accident, the attorneys at Naples & Spence are here to fight for you. Reach out to us online or call us today at 904.478.8964 to schedule your free initial consultation.

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